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ホームJSD日本ダウジング協会公式ワークショップ&書籍・DVD・カード【書籍】 風水のためのダウジングと空間のエネルギークレンジング Dowsing for Feng Shui and Space Clearing By Susan Collins

【書籍】 風水のためのダウジングと空間のエネルギークレンジング Dowsing for Feng Shui and Space Clearing By Susan Collins[Susan01]

販売価格: 3,750円(税別)
(税込: 4,125円)
Dowsing for Feng Shui and Space Clearing

© Susan Collins, 2013


【Table of Contents】

Introduction ... 5
Part 1 Dowsing ... 7
What Is Dowsing … 7
Dowsing Tools ... 8
The Dowsing Protocol ... 10
Dowsing Charts … 13
Part 2 Feng Shui …15
The Genesis of Magical Thought …15
Metaphysics in Early China … 16
Kan Yu, Yin Yang, Shipan, I Ching, Symbolic Celestial Animals,
Elements, Bagua Map and Compass, Magic Square Bagua,
Lo Shu Magic Square
The Evolution of Feng Shui and Schools … 32
Shape and Form, Compass, BTB
Feng Shui Summary … 36
Part 3 Space Clearing and Geomancy… 37
Earth, Environmental and Psychic Energies … 38
Geoprosperous Places … 39
Space Clearing … 42
The Triage Protocols … 42
Dialogue with the Energies of Places, Getting the Energies
to Co-operate, Setting the Intention, Triage Charts,
Detection Procedure Overview … 48
Problems Triage Charts … 50
Earth, Environmental, Psychic
Fixing Energy Problems ... 54
Physical, Ceremonial and Energy Remedies ... 54
Physical Remedies Kit ... 55
Remedies Triage Charts …57
Earth, Environmental, Removing Beings, Balancing Personal
Energies, Psychic Cords, Programs and Patterns, Affirmations
A General Note on Feng Shui Remedies …62
Working Remotely ... 63
Map Dowsing, Visionary Detection,
Energy Broadcasting
Case Studies … 67
Conclusion ... 69
Glossary of Terms/ Index … 70
Charts and Illustrations … 74
Bibliography … 75
About the Author … 76

スーザン・コリンズ Susan Collins

カナダダウザー協会(Canadian Society of Dowsers)元会長(2003〜2006)



Susan used dowsing to get past her own health crisis and is committed to sharing techniques she has learned from the many teachers she has had over the years. She was President of the Canadian Society of Dowsers from 2003 to 2006, and was named Dowser of the Year in 2006. She is a full-time, Personal Management Consultant and Professional Dowser who has presented at a variety of international and regional conferences in North America, the United Kingdom and the Middle East. Susan has a dynamic, global Consulting Practice offering remote and in-person services and is the author of a successful series of books on dowsing techniques. Susan was the 2014 Keynote Dowser at the ASD National Convention in Vermont and a Featured Presenter at the ASD West Coast Conference in California.

As a speaker, she has shared the stage with Bradley Nelson, Lynne McTaggart, Donna Eden, Gregg Braden, Grahame Gardner, Christian Kyriacou, Grahame Hancock, Stephan Schwartz and the leading dowsers of her generation, including the late Walt Woods, Harold McCoy, Slim Spurling, Joe Smith, Gary Skillen, Bruce Magill and many more. She has also presented with the Hon. Paul Hellyer, Stanton Friedman and Don Donderi.
2015年の英国ダウザー協会(British Society of Dowsers) のアニュアルカンファレンスにおけるスーザンの公演風景。

スコットランド スターリングでのスーザンコリンズのインターナショナルダウザーとしての講習風景。
